Tuesday, October 4, 2016

New with Us

I drove a red Tahoe all through high school and college. Her name was Ruby Blue but affectionately known as "The Hoe". I loved this car. I liked how indestructible I felt in it. I moved so many time in that car. Anyway...I have been driving Joe's little yellow car Honey and pretty much going mad crazy in it. It is too zippy, it is too fast, and it is too damn small! Getting me and Gemma and all the shiz out of that car was exhausting and I am pretty sure I have a hunch back now. Labor day weekend we were determined to finally get a new family car and we actually did it! So nice to have a car big enough for all of us and the dogs! Let the adventuring begin!

Joe started a new job at Embross and is loving it. He works from home and travels often. This wonderful job fell into our lap and has been so great for us. Gemma has figured out that Joe is down stairs working everyday and even more importantly...he has M&M's on his desk. She likes to check on him throughout the day. I love having a happy husband again!

Gemma goes to sleep and wakes up older every morning. She is so happy and spunky. She has several new teeth and new tricks...she likes to twirl right now and it is the cutest thing. My favorite though is that she will come over hold my hand and walk around the house or lead me outside. She could play outside all day. No idea what we will do all winter! 
It is so nice to feel like we have more time to spend together as a family and time to focus on the small things. We have been taking lots of bikes together and visiting the horses in our neighborhood. G loves horses. I can't wait to take her riding someday. Right now she just enjoys patting them and feeding them apples. Joe and Gemma mow the lawn together on the weekends. Its my favorite thing to watch. Gemma likes to help steer. she takes it very seriously. She has more personality than anyone I have ever met! I love it. 

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