We arrived in Waikiki late Thursday night. After strolling the beach we had a late dinner and listened to the waves crash. It felt so nice to have a slow dinner. After a few hours of sitting on the dark beach I started to feel something different. The anxiety was gone, the self doubt was gone, I felt that peace thing people talk about.
The next day Poor Joe had to work but lucky me explored Waikiki a bit but mostly laid on the beach and people watched...and bought myself an extravagant pineapple drink. But you know what? Hawaii me did not care because I knew it would make me so happy. Throw your credit card around like you just don't care! Sometimes money can buy happiness. So, I decided not to care that it was an obscene price to pay for a pineapple and just buy the damn thing so that I could fully embrace my inner tourist. So there I sat with my large fruity drink, floppy hat, and selfie stick completely content.

I cannot tell you the last time I sat somewhere all alone completely unplugged. I really like to have music going, or a book, or TV at all time because it allows my brain to focus on something else instead of my own thoughts. That sounds dark and a tad confusing but it's what I have always done. For as long as I can remember I have had noise in the background while I did homework or cleaned or fell asleep so that My brain wouldn't wander down "anxiety paths". In Hawaii I sat on that beach with nothing but the waves and felt so calm and happy. Once I realized it had been four hours and I should probably eat or drink (you know...basic human maintenance stuff) I was shocked that I was able to sit that long completely happy. I found myself striking up casual conversations with strangers, playing in the ocean alone and happy, dancing along the street cause why not without a care or thought in the world. I have NEVER felt that free. As Joe and I watched the sunset...the sun was streaming through clouds in such a heavenly way...I thought,
"This is Where God Lives"
Next thing I know I am crying on the beach. My sweet husband thinks I'm adorable...I hope. In all seriousness though I was ready to build a hut and set up base camp right there on the beach because I had never felt like this before in my adult life.
The Next morning we had lunch over looking the ocean. Why can't we have Pog outside of Utah? I will be figuring out how to make it. It was suppose to be a rainy day and I was worried my last day in Hawaii would be spent outside but as we drove to the mermaid caves the sun came out and we enjoyed a few more hours on the beach and exploring the Mermaid cave. Joe planned horse riding on turtle beach for the afternoon. If you ever get the opportunity to do this I highly recommend it. It was a blast to go through the jungle of turtle island as well as the beach. The woman leading our trail ride told us she was from Colorado but visited Hawaii every year on vacation. After one trip she realized she was miserable in Colorado and that she was happy in Hawaii so she packed up her life and moved to Hawaii. I love stories like that...people who recognize what they want and where they feel happy and make it happen.
We finished the day on sunset beach. It was the perfect ending to our trip. We caught the red eye home to freezing Utah. It was an unforgettable trip. I cannot wait to go back.
Mem'ries, light the corners of my mind, misty water-colored memories, of the way we were... Of the smiles we left behind, smiles we gave to one another... Tell me, could we? Would we?
ReplyDeleteYour smile is fabulous! Miss your writing. Hope all is well.