Saturday, September 30, 2017

September Gemma-isms

I really hate the term "terrible two's". I get that there are toddlers out there who may deserve this title but I certainly do not have a terrible anything at my house! Does G have her toddler difficulties? Absolutely. She never met another toddler...or dog...or mom she didn't love to hit. But for all the times she throws a shoe at me there are seven other things that make up for it. In reality don't we all have our vices?

Some of my favorites about G this month are as follows.

G is a very busy girl but somehow has found even more ways to be busy. This month her words really boomed. she will repeat anything and everything we say.
Some of my favorites are:
yeah baby: me-G want to go on a walk?
                  G-yeah baby
what's this
I come? me-I'm going to the bathroom
             G- I come?
dance- she holds out both of her hands and wants to rock back and forth like in junior high but I will get into the dancing later
Hands? G-hands mum? she wants to hold hands 24/7 it is the best thing in the whole world.   

She did lots of mess making including destroying four MAC lipsticks but she did it the name of beauty so I'll move on eventually. She is really into her hair and makeup and clothes...she is pretty well rounded but there is a very strong girl side in there. G loves hunting for bugs and collecting rocks but all while wearing a bow of her choosing and an accessory or two. Everyday she checks out my earrings. After a thorough investigation she says "so pretty". I'm on the verge of taking her to get hers pierced but then I remind myself she will cry really hard and then I'm good with waiting.

Her latest obsession is taking a bath while watching Cinderella. It is her favorite thing and wants to do this two or three times a day. It is seriously cute. She wants her nails painted a few times a day as well. How does such a tiny person have so many opinions and know what she wants? It boggles my mind. My dad says it is Karma but I mean come on child! When bedtime rolls around I am usually over letting her choose out her perfect pajamas. My sister gave her some pajamas with black poodles on them and if they are dirty all hell breaks loose till I can distract her.

We are still taking Gemma to horse riding lessons and she is still smitten. I wish I could take her everyday...mostly selfishly as I would love to ride everyday as well. I will not live through my child I will not live through my child...please choose to be a trick/barrel rider all on your own!

OK so the dancing. She dances all day long everywhere we go and demands music and dancing at least twice a day. Long before Greys Anatomy I started "dancing it out". Bad day? dance it out. Good day? dance it out. Boy problems? dance it out. Sooooo much homework? dance it out. Dancing it out is on the top ten list of my life philosophies so the fact that my child wants to dance it out with me might have made me cry the first couple times. But I got it over it real quick as we were too busy dancing it out.

She is my absolute joy and I love spending my days with her. Heaven help us when it snows and stuck inside more often than not. She would play outside all day if I let her. My main grievance is that every time she wakes up  she seems older and looks less like a baby.

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