She has been easier to take out. Stores have been fun with her and eating out has been fun. I hope this new part of her personality sticks. Her only shopping faux pas is the hiding and giggling. Its never scary when she hides because she is laughing so hard. It is delightful and frustrating.
We continue to ride horses. This activity is mostly for me but Joe always comes so Gemma can run around the stables and take a ride with me. It is the highlight for both of us. I keep dreaming of the day when we live on hundreds of acres with Nicole Kidman and Keith Urban. I should probably get cracking on a best seller novel eh?
Since June Gemma has been going to speech therapy. In a few short months we have her all caught up and she chatters on all day long. The screaming and tantrums are far and few between as we can better understand her wants and needs. Now if we could just fix the aggressive hitting we would be golden. Not only does Gemma parrot everything we say she also comes up with funny phrases all on her own. She is very polite and says "Thanks mom" 800 times a day.
G is obsessed with my little sister Delaney. Every time the phone rings she runs to it and screams Da-A-Laney! She loves to talk to her and see her. Her other favorite is facetimeing my mom and dad. She likes to dance and run around like a crazy person when they call. Lately she has been asking.."Lady, papa, come party?" Not sure what party she is inviting them to but this has been a frequent request over the last few weeks. We are always lucky when we get to see the cousins and aunt Rachel and Uncle spock. My sisters are my life line. I'm lucky we love each other's kids.
We were very sad when Joey's brother nick and his wife Sarah moved out of our basement this month. G and I have loved having them so close but are very excited for them and their new house! Our friend from New Jersey has moved in! Gio is a great roommate when we get to see him. His wife and cute baby will be joining the party in January. She is from the Dominican Republic. I am working on my Spanish so please pray for me hahaha.
October is always over too soon. I will miss the pumpkin patches and fall weather. We had fun pumpkin picking with Jason and Leah. It has become one of my favorite traditions. Jason and Leah are some of our closest friends. They will babysit in a pinch, watch our dogs, play games with us, but most of all they love us. It is nice to know we always have backup.
Trick or Treating was a blast. Lauren was right...put on the costumes and just have fun. We looked pretty spectacular if I do say so myself. I am already planning out next year.

Dear October I will miss you. Until next year beautiful friend.
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