Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Always Stay Humble and Kind

Tim McGraw sings so many of my favorite songs but "Humble and Kind" wins hands down.  I feel like our world is becoming harder by the minute. The news has become unbearable to watch as there is nothing I can do to solve the Syrian war or school shootings or the Political circus or the Kardashians. Side note: could America please choose a classier group to be obsessed with next time? I am so sick of hearing about them everywhere. is a scary place to be and this can feel so overwhelming to me. I always thought that somehow I would be able to make a difference in it but thus far the only way I figure that I can, is to be kind and to teach Gemma to be kind.

I had a friend post a story on facebook about her sweet autistic son who had gotten bullied at an activity. He has become aware of his loneliness and some of these boys know him and still chose to stand by and do nothing. If just one boy had stood by him walked with him  eaten with him listened to him as he talked about his extensive lego knowledge then this sweet little boy would feel he had a friend. When I read that post I couldn't help but feel so angry. I have people close to me who live this too. Friends are not easy to come by because of physical limitations. If only we were kind to each other. She has started a movement to Make Kindness Cool Again. I am on board with this. In my young women's Class I see my girls act unceasingly kind to each other. It is so inspiring to me to see good kids doing good things being good people. I know kindness and good is out there....I like to believe that there is more kindness than bullies but the news doesn't report on kindness. 

In Kate Forsyth's book The Witches Of Eileanan, she wrote, "May my heart be kind, my mind fierce, and my spirit brave". I love this as a personal Mantra. When I read this book a few years ago I copied these words onto a post it note and hung it in my room. I found that note a few days ago and hung it back up. Being kind to others is not an original idea. It is a commandment we teach it to our children Ellen uses kindness as her platform and recognizes people for really nothing about this post is original. I just feel like there needs to be an all over outcry for kindness right now. As I can only control myself
(and Gemma on occasion) the outcry begins with me. Literally. The daily part of my day where I pick myself apart needs to end and the mom guilt that should stop too. Feeling like I can quickly move into impatience with my two year old should stop....impatience in general. Someone who truly exemplifies kindness to me is my little sister. Going out in Public with her is a joyful experience. We will be mid conversation when she stops, turns to the lady in front of us and says something like,

"you have the most beautiful hair!'

"Your outfit is so cute!"
"I just wanted to stop and tell you that you have such a happy smile."
"You guys are the cutest couple"

I could give you a million other examples but I think you get it. I have this game that I play...after she says her random words of kindness I look at back at the person she just talked to. Without fail that person is happier. Smiling bigger, standing taller, a hair flip or lady had tears in her eyes. I am so obsessed with words and quotes and books. I have files and files of words that I love and that make me feel something but my sister wins because she puts words into actions and is actively kind. She is living "May my heart be kind, my mind fierce, and my spirit brave" whereas I have pinned to my mirror. 

So as I struggled with what to do after the last school shooting I decided to live this quote. Like my sister I am trying to say the kind thing I think about the people surrounding me, take time to feel grateful, appreciate my healthy working body more, and serving in a way I usually only think about. You know how you see those facebook statuses that say Someone paid for my drink today and it made my day! I have always wanted to do that so now I am. It seems small but maybe it will add to my brave bank and lead to bigger and better. 

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