Monday, July 18, 2016

G Turns One

Growing up and reading all the feminist literate out there I decided getting married and having kids was not for me. I wanted to travel and write and what most romantic souls picture themselves doing. Well Of course there were other plans for me. I got married young and had a baby one year later. Let me tell you it has been the best thing in the whole world. I would not trade a passport full of stamps for her. Being a mom is incredibly wonderful and I love it. I had an easy pregnancy...well as easy as a pregnancy  can be. She came into this world easily and as perfectly as can be. Each month with her has been fun and new. I have loved each stage. But holy cow this has been the fastest moving year of my entire life. She was born and BOOM now she is one. I wanted to make her birthday as fun and memorable as possible. When it came down to it it made most sense to make sure she hang out with all her people. The Sunday before her birthday Joe's Mom threw her a great party. Her cousins aunts and uncles spoiled her rotten and she discovered a love of balloons. On her birthday Joe and I woke her up singing happy Birthday to her and gave her donuts for breakfast. After that we hit the movie theater with My sisters and nieces and nephew. She really enjoyed sitting on Jacks lap and eating Popcorn. Her cousins were so cute to her and helped her eat a cupcake after the movie. That night Joe and I helped her open presents and eat cake. She loved her birthday and was pretty disappointed when life returned to normal.

The part I was looking forward to the most was her cake smash photo shoot. Delaney (little sister) took some gorgeous pictures of her. It was so much fun and everything I was hoping it would be.

My sister does do Photo shoots for many occasions if anyone is interested. Because beautiful are these pics?! I am not bias or anything.
Happy first birthday darling daughter. Can't wait to continue celebrating with you.

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