Sunday, July 17, 2016

This is My Crew

Welcome to my very public journal. I am terrible at taking the time to sit down with pen and composition notebook and write down my life.  I use to be but laziness has taken over at night when I have time and Netflix sucks me in. The name of this blog might seem random and weird but let me 'splain. You see, lobsters mate for life and when I met Joe (the Husband) I knew He was My Lobster. (yes this is a Friends reference).

Let me introduce my current self and my people. My name is Collett Campbell. I am a born and raised Arizonian but I am now a Utah transplant. When you marry a Utah boy just know you will never leave. I have lived here for almost six years and I actually really love it. I cannot imagine a world without mountains and four seasons. I studied English and literature at BYU and loved it. Basically I sat around with a bunch of book loving people wrote papers and talked about books for four plus years. Aside from books I am a dog lover. I have two: Sookie my talkative lab mutt and Jersey my timid Pit bull/Colorado Bulldog mutt. I like glitter on everything, borderline hooker shoes, road trips, baking, selfies,
world events and news, romantic walks through target, big trucks, the ocean, and new school supplies. Currently I work as wife, mom, content writer, and violin teacher. I like working and have been known to take on too much. I believe in good over evil, love notes, dance parties, and eating at midnight. Calories Don't count after midnight. But more on me later.

Joe is my project loving, world traveling, can fix everything, get the lid off the pickle jar husband. Our relationship is easy and runs fairly smoothly. He loves a lot of things but I know I am first in line. The thing that is so great about Joe is how happy, positive, and calm he is. He can turn any situation positive. I love that most about him. Joe has literally done planes, scuba, rock climb, jump out of planes...he is Mr. Adventure.

Gemma is our one year old daughter. I am not exaggerating when I say she is the easiest happiest little person ever. She hits every milestone, she sleeps, shes happy all day until shes tired. She is wonder baby. We have decided we may not have another because we already made a perfect one. Her favorites include baths, bike rides, horses, stuffed animals, food, straws, and swinging. She is the best thing I have ever done.

So welcome to Our Life as Lobsters. I will post weekly about whatever the heck I want to ;)

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