Monday, January 9, 2017

25 Things

I love my birthday! I hope I always feel this way even after I leave my twenties. Tomorrow I turn 26! Late twenties?...Maybe? 25 has been really good to me and also been a big year of learning and growing up. I wanted to write down the year's Top 25 lessons learned/realized.

1.I can do More than I think I can
2. It is possible to make your own world happy
3. Make a plan then do it don't just talk about it
4. Service makes me genuinely happy
5. Anxiety is manageable
6. Nobody is out to get me
7. I am not too old to try new things
8. Exercise is something I can do
9. I don't like being isolated but making friends as an adult is hard
10. Count your blessings
11. Be sincere even if it isn't popular
12. A relationship (any relationship) takes two people
13. Don't give in so much
14. Say Yes if you can
15. Go outside and Play
16. Lifestyle social media "Porn" is soul deadening
17. Put the phone down
18. I'm a good writer if I make the time for it
19. Me time is VERY important
20. I like living in a clean pretty place even if I am not a good decorator
21. My work is important
22. I'm not as smart as I think and need lots of help.
23. I still want to learn and do so many things
24. Even though I am a mother and an adult I still like being silly and immature
25. A shower fixes just about everything.

At one point or another I wrote these down on post its and put them on my desk over the year. I think I just needed to see that I was evolving and learning from year 25. Do you see a theme? I really wanted to find ways to be happy for year 25! I love love love being Gemma's mom but it is so flipping hard, exhausting, emotional, fill in the blank! I really needed to learn how to balance being mom and being Collett. I am still working on it but I am much closer than I was a year ago. I had a fairly easy pregnancy but postpartum was rough and my hormones threw me for a loop for a while...a long while. Like I said...I'm a work in Progress.

Ok enough bla bla serious. Lets talk Birthday Ritual. I have done more or the less the same birthday ritual since middle school. It is very important to stay up until midnight on birthday eve. Each birthday I choose a new song to represent my new year. Can I just say thank you Taylor Swift for writing I'm feeling 22 around the same time I was about to turn 22! Made that years song choice very easy. At midnight I dance party it up! Did you watch Greys Anatomy? Meredith and Christine dance it out whenever life is bad. One of my best friends growing up and I would dance it out whenever life was great or bad. Dancing just helps! "Endorphins make you happy and happy people just don't kill their husbands"! The next birthday ritual has been way more difficult since I moved out of my parent's house. Birthday Breakfast. Guys. My mom rocks birthday breakfast. There has been cake, hot fudge sundaes, waffles and whipped cream, and always with a candle. One year she had all my friends surprise me at a restaurant for breakfast before school. It just really isn't the same when you have to plan your own birthday breakfast but doing it myself does not eliminate the fun!  I am super lucky this year because my mom is in town! Two of my sisters and my mom are meeting me for birthday breakfast! So Excited! The last ritual I insist on is something cute to wear. I mean...obviously right?  Last and Most important is cupcakes. At some point. One year my sister Rachel had two dozen cupcakes delivered to my house while I was at school. It was the best thing anyone had ever delivered. The rest of the day I don't have a structure. However, since moving to Utah I go ice skating during birthday week. I cannot wait to take Gemma this year. She will love it. Because my Birthday is at the start of a new year, I treat it as my time to set goals. My main goal for 26 is Be Strong. Physically Mentally and Emotionally. I won't bore you with my plan of action but after thinking about where I am and where I want to be It is the first thing that came to mind so I ran with it. 
Image result for birthday cake
Happy Birthday Eve! Everyone Eat Cake can use me as an Excuse. Calories don't count on my birthday!

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